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Word is a program that offers students and anyone who wants to use it the facility of creating texts. It is mainly used to work and for school.

PowerPoint is a program used to create a well-formed presentation. PowerPoint lets put pictures, graphs, tables, sounds, animation, objects, shapes, colours...

Powerpoint is an application that allows the User to elaborate presentations in slides.

Excel is a software that allows you to do statistics, graphs and solve equations.

Microsoft Paint is an application used to draw and edit photos.

ThingLink is an application where you can share photos and customize them by adding audio, digital buttons, images... Turning the images interactive.

Padlet is an application that allows you to create a virtual wall, that is used to interact with people.
You can also add users to your wall.

ActivInspire is a software used for interactive whiteboards. It is great to prepare school works and presentations.


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